ESD Neon
A top choice for ESD workplaces: When it comes to conductive workchairs that look good while delivering on ergonomics and comfort, theonly real option is the ESD Neon chair. Just like all the ESD solutionsfrom Bimos, this model far exceeds current standards. Combined withits outstanding design, the ESD chair bridges the gap between thehighest of technical requirements and lasting comfort when sitting.
ESD Nexxit
Ergonomic support, practical handling and outstanding robustness -modern industry demands specific requirements of the quality of workchairs. With its unique industry ergonomics as well as simple, intuitiveadjustment to the respective user, Nexxit automatically ensures thecorrect sitting posture. It impresses with high comfort and extremeresistance for use in industrial environments.
ESD Sintec
Reliable ESD protection meets flexible seating: With its conductivesurfaces and volume-conductive materials, the Sintec chair offersoutstanding suitability for use at the ESD workplace. Its excellentergonomic quality, its comfort and its individual functions make this ESDchair the ideal seating solution for any work situation.
ESD Unitec
Solid and inexpensive - ESD Unitec is the basic solution for the ESDworkplace. It offers all the standard protective features for theprevention of electrostatic charge and allows for simple adjustment tomeet respective user requirements. This ESD chair is ideal forworkstations at which the employee needs to both sit and stand. It has agenerous seat and a high backrest.
ESD Basic
The all-rounder among the ESD chairs - ESD Basic is the most economicseating solution for the ESD workplace and is particularly good value formoney. Its ergonomic design, high level of user comfort and reliable ESDprotection according to EN 61340-5-1 represent all the importantfeatures of a high-performance work chair for the electronic industry.
ESD Stool
Product information Some of the tasks associated with ESD areas call forelevated seating positions or require workers to stand for long periods orto alternate between standing up and sitting down. As a result, theirbodies are often subjected to a great deal of physical stress. Bimos hasthe answer to these requirements: stools and footrests suitable for ESDareas that support the human body and relieve physical stress.
ESD Labster
Practical down to the last detail: As even the smallest of contaminants canpose a risk to the quality of results in a laboratory, the laboratory chairs arealso available in ESD-compliant designs. Users benefit from all the advantagesof this great model, while the chair itself prevents the collection of dust anddirt particles.
ESD Labsite
Better safe than sorry - especially in the laboratory: Electrostaticallycharged people and objects attract the smallest of particles. This canlead to contamination in the laboratory and destroy investigativeresults. In order to prevent this, the ESD variants of the Labsitlaboratory chair guarantee a reliable conduction. This clever all-rounderis therefore the perfect seating solution for any type of laboratory.